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The Cloth Nappy Box

The Cloth Nappy Box

Regular price $699.00 AUD
Regular price $1,503.35 AUD Sale price $699.00 AUD
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Candie Outer

What is The Cloth Nappy Box?

We created the last box of nappies you'll ever need, The Cloth Nappy Box.

In cloth nappies there are 2 stages, Newborn and Infant to Toilet Training.
Your Cloth Nappy Box has cloth nappies for all stages.

We also include extra accessories to help you on your cloth nappy journey.

Unlike other bundles on our store, this is pre-packaged and ready to go. There is no selecting colours or prints, that is why this product is more affordable than our other Birth to Toddler Packs.

Your Cloth Nappy Box Includes

24 Bambam Newborn Cloth Nappies
6 Newborn Covers
4 Snappi to do the nappy up there is no messing with pins
18 Candie Cloth Nappies
1 Change Mat when need to change a nappy away from home
1 Ultimate Wet Bag to store used nappies until you wash them
1 Pod Wet Bag to store 6 Candies when you are out of the house
1 Double Pocket Wet Bag for when you are out and about
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